Daughter of Newton Victim confronts GOP Senator with an appeal of emotion about gun laws… rational and logical response leaves her disappointed



Over at the Blaze, the daughter of a Newton victim asks GOP Senator Kelly Ayotte (NH) about her vote on the recently failed Toomey-Manchin Amendment:

You had mentioned that day the burden on owners of gun stores that the expanded background checks would cause,” Erica Lafferty said during the town hall. “I am just wondering why the burden of my mother being gunned down in the halls of her elementary school isn’t more important than that.

To which the Senator responded: “the universal background check would’ve done nothing to stop the Newton shooting”

YT Here:

Listen kid, the reason those laws weren’t successful is because they were built on lies and addressed nothing.

Dear Gun Control Democrats: 6 Ways to Make a Better Argument

I like reading this blog as a counter to my traditionally libertarian readings, and this article is well written and intelligent, which means (as usual) it will fall on deaf ears…


U.S. President Barack Obama speaks next to Vice President Joe Biden on commonsense measures to reduce gun violence, in Washington

Dear Gun Control Democrats:

It’s been less than a week since national gun control in America died. No “assault weapons” ban. No “high-capacity” magazine ban. Not even the Manchin-Toomey background check compromise that, according to Senator Mark Kirk, was reached by getting drunk on a 54-foot mega-yacht named Black Tie, which is part-owned by Manchin.

Over the last several days, I’ve watched Democratic politicians, lobbyists and Facebook meme-sharers calling down shame on the senators who voted against every single gun control measure proposed in the Senate. Yes, it’s true that none of the measures would have passed the Republican-controlled House anyway, but to have lost in the Democrat-controlled senate was to truly be trounced. I have seen the Democratic pundits all over the nation looking across their podiums and well-lit television studio desks with stunned expressions. “How could this have happened,” they all ask? Only four months after…

View original post 4,070 more words

A note on “prepping” and how to start out…


Start small. If you aim to have a hidden bunker with a minefield and tunnels with a years supply of food and an EMP proof truck, then you’re not going to have a good time.

Prepping is a lifestyle change, and like most lifestyle changes like your diet or your fitness, you start small and build on your early successes.

What I suggest is this: pick a topic from below and go from there

  1. Food preparation: Do you have enough food stored away to feed yourself for a week? Do you have enough water? Toiletries? Get to that point, then move out to two weeks, then three weeks. Invest in food you enjoy to eat that is good for you.
  2. Financial preparation: Go see /r/personalfinance. Get your finances squared away. Some of the more apocalyptic types would say to invest in gold and bullets. I think folks should learn to operate and maintain a personal budget, set aside funds for long-term (retirement) savings, hobbies, and yes: prepping. Again, start small. Budget money every paycheck to go to prepping purchases.
  3. Security preparations: Do you own a gun? Know a martial art? Pick one, and work on gaining some proficiency. If you don’t own a gun, shop around, do research, and buy one. Then research a good holster that is comfortable to wear. Then buy magazines for it and some ammunition. Then take a training class. NRA First Steps Pistol (if you really don’t have the skills yet) followed by a more practical pistol class. Once you’ve got your pistol figured out and know how to fight it, then move up to rifles and shotguns. Weigh your needs accordingly depending on your location and desired use. Again, start small (pistol) and build up! The folks at /r/guns and /r/Firearms can help you.
  4. Fitness preparations: This is a big one, and there are plenty of subs to go to /r/fitness /r/crossfit etc. Start small and get into shape. Can’t run a marathon? Shoot for a mile. Can’t bench your own weight? Start light an persevere.

All of these preps are connected by the way and help each other out. Getting grounded in Financial preparation ensures you have the money to follow through on the others. Getting wise to food preps and dieting can help you get fit (cut the carbs when times are good, store them for when they’re bad). Fitness preps can aid in your security, by making you strong, resilient, and capable of using your weapons or yourself in the most effective manner.


(Libertarian Art) The Twilight Zone episode: The Obsolete Man — TV you will never see in today’s media



I was reminded of this episode on Reddit today when someone posted an amazing quote from the epilogue:

The chancellor, the late chancellor, was only partly correct. He was obsolete. But so is the State, the entity he worshiped. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man, that state is obsolete. A case to be filed under “M” for Mankind – in The Twilight Zone.

The episode was about a totalitarian state which outlawed religion, free speech, and freedom of the press (among a whole host of others).  They declare a librarian who believes in God “obsolete” and proceed to have him executed.  In a twist, the librarian manages to get the Head of State tangled up in his demise and uses him to shame the inadequacy of the State.  Great episode, a real classic.

See the episode below:

PSA: A quick reminder about gun safety….



  1. Always treat your gun as if it’s loaded
  2. Never point your at anything you don’t want to kill or destroy
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your absolutely ready to shoot
  4. Be aware of your target and what is behind it.
Follow these four rules to the letter, and maybe you can avoid what happens here:
Also, in addition to the Big-4 rules:
When handing a gun to someone else: Always remove the magazine, then clear the weapon, then lock the slide or bolt back, and visually inspect the chamber to ensure it is empty.  This is one I’ve been guilty of doing.
Lastly, when practicing magazine changes or dry firing invest the few bucks into getting Snap Caps.
Thank you, and please share this around!

Quote of the Day – Jeff Cooper


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The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles.

From Jeff Cooper, Art of the Rifle