
Start small. If you aim to have a hidden bunker with a minefield and tunnels with a years supply of food and an EMP proof truck, then you’re not going to have a good time.

Prepping is a lifestyle change, and like most lifestyle changes like your diet or your fitness, you start small and build on your early successes.

What I suggest is this: pick a topic from below and go from there

  1. Food preparation: Do you have enough food stored away to feed yourself for a week? Do you have enough water? Toiletries? Get to that point, then move out to two weeks, then three weeks. Invest in food you enjoy to eat that is good for you.
  2. Financial preparation: Go see /r/personalfinance. Get your finances squared away. Some of the more apocalyptic types would say to invest in gold and bullets. I think folks should learn to operate and maintain a personal budget, set aside funds for long-term (retirement) savings, hobbies, and yes: prepping. Again, start small. Budget money every paycheck to go to prepping purchases.
  3. Security preparations: Do you own a gun? Know a martial art? Pick one, and work on gaining some proficiency. If you don’t own a gun, shop around, do research, and buy one. Then research a good holster that is comfortable to wear. Then buy magazines for it and some ammunition. Then take a training class. NRA First Steps Pistol (if you really don’t have the skills yet) followed by a more practical pistol class. Once you’ve got your pistol figured out and know how to fight it, then move up to rifles and shotguns. Weigh your needs accordingly depending on your location and desired use. Again, start small (pistol) and build up! The folks at /r/guns and /r/Firearms can help you.
  4. Fitness preparations: This is a big one, and there are plenty of subs to go to /r/fitness /r/crossfit etc. Start small and get into shape. Can’t run a marathon? Shoot for a mile. Can’t bench your own weight? Start light an persevere.

All of these preps are connected by the way and help each other out. Getting grounded in Financial preparation ensures you have the money to follow through on the others. Getting wise to food preps and dieting can help you get fit (cut the carbs when times are good, store them for when they’re bad). Fitness preps can aid in your security, by making you strong, resilient, and capable of using your weapons or yourself in the most effective manner.